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Welcome to our video page! Here you'll find saxophone videos that we think are cool and educational; normally you would have to surf YouTube for these, but we wanted to make them easy to find. We realize that you might be tempted to watch these all day, so please remember to eat and sleep (and most importantly bathe) at some point today! *Not all of these videos are owned by YSI and their sole purpose is for educational use*
Why is there no saxophone in the orchestra?
Otis Murphy Interview
Marcel Mule Interview
Dr. Robert Young talks about "The A-Fuzz"
Dr. Robert Young talks about "Practicing Tips"
Dr. Robert Young talks about "Voicing Basics"
Dr. Robert Young talks about "Double Tonguing"
Yamaha Saxophone Factory Tour
Interview with Jean-Yves Formeau
Tim McAllister: Gershwin, Adams and the Orchestral Saxophonist
Dr. Robert Young talks about "Conditioning your Reeds"
Dr. Robert Young talks about "Improving Your Tone"
Dr. Robert Young talks about "Saxophone Vibrato"
Dr. Robert Young talks about "Saxophone Intonation"
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